Water remediation involves the systematic process of identifying and addressing issues within water sources, such as contamination, pollutants, or pathogens. It encompasses steps of testing, treatment, and purification to restore water quality and safety to acceptable standards for various uses, including consumption, industrial processes, and environmental conservation. Triple Point Industries has the water experts you need to efficiently identify solutions and work to guarantee a “trouble-free transition

Triple Point's Multi-Step Water Remediation Process:

  1. Identify the bacteria/pathogen in the designated water source

  2. Clean the system by introducing the appropriate chemical into the water supply

  3. Collect representative samples from various locations throughout the system

  4. Verify the system has effectively circulated the cleaning agent by testing for chemical residual levels

  5. Temporarily Shut Down system operations for a 24-hour period to allow the disinfectant chemical to effectively interact

  6. Flush the entire system until the disinfectant residual reaches the required compliance levels

  7. Retest to confirm that the bacteria/pathogen is no longer present